Posted on Friday, November 09, 2018 by 醉·醉·鱼 and labeled under
You may expect IE will redirect 302 for POST to a GET request. The truth is IE does it. However, the default developer tools sucks.

As you could see from the screenshot below, you will always see POST after 302 response in IE developer tools.

If you see details for these request, you will see both POST and GET requests. How could it be?

While, if you use other network monitor tools to monitor the network, you will see only GET request.

It will bring developers into wrong directions as they would think it's the HTTP method error. For example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28513449/ie-ignores-303-redirect-in-post-redirect-get-scenario 

And I would share another IE bug. If there is underscore in your domain, no cookies will be set.

See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ieinternals/2009/08/20/internet-explorer-cookie-internals-faq/