Posted on Sunday, May 30, 2010 by 醉·醉·鱼 and labeled under

Test Plan.
The test plan is the set of ideas that guide or represent the test process. Often those ideas are only partially documented, spread across multiple documents, and subject or change as the project evolves.

Test Strategy.
The test strategy specifies the relationship between the test project and the test mission. the strategy deals with what will be tested and how. Test strategy is distinct from the logistics of implementing the strategy.

Test Cycle.
  1. Receive the product.
  2. Configure your test system. (Not included in my testing process.)
  3. Verify testability. (This is what automation guys do? Smoke testing?)
  4. Determine what is new or changed. (Improve needed.)
  5. Determine what bugs have been fixed. (Improve needed.)
  6. Verify fixes.
  7. Test new or changed areas.
  8. Test other areas.(remember, higher risk stuff first.)
  9. Report results.
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