Posted on Thursday, March 11, 2010 by 醉·醉·鱼 and labeled under , , ,
Phrase Express



How to use:
  1. Download the install file from http://www.phraseexpress.com/download.htm
  2. Install this software.
  3. Create a new phrase, such as www.douban.com
  4. Set the Autotext: ##db Execute immediately
  5. Open Notepad and input "##db" and you will see the text www.douban.com.
It will save you a lot of time when you have to repeat input this text many times. ViewPhraseExpress website for more information.

Under the guidance of the excellent task management principles of GTD®, Doit.im conducts you to have your head cleared, to get rid of various pending ideas on your mind, and helps you organize tasks and focus on items in hand, so that you can closely track the process of your work and feel easy when faced with bulks of complicated projects. With no pressure but efficiency, you'll further enjoy your work and achieve unexpected success.

  1. 将需要做的事情放到inbox,比如看《晨间日记的奇迹》
  2. 将需要今天做的事情更新到Today,或者next actions。
  3. 完成以后就可以在completed里面看见。
  4. 查看next actions或者inbox,重新考虑需要做的事情。
网络硬盘,同样的服务有drop.io,box.net,Rapid Share,SVN等。下载软件以后,软件会在本地创建一个folder。以后可以在不同的电脑上对该folder内的文件进行编辑,备份等。比如,在公司的工作没有做完,希望回家做,但是又没有带U盘(remote就算了吧,折腾我可怜的电脑。),这个时候用dropbox就好了。以后还可以在不同的电脑上进行同步更新。
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